
The creation of naturally fermented seed loaves.

In this book, Stefanie Horn describes her path to the development of delicious “cheese” loaves made from nuts and seeds that ferment and ripen naturally. Step by step she explains simple to complex recipes up to technical data for a professional production of lactose-free seed loaves. Practical knowledge and biographical are alternating in a creative, clear and humorous manner.

The author points out a parallel between the fermentation process of seeds and a transformation of our world today. Inspiring for those who are interested in an independent food supply and want to know how something completely new is created!

The book “Natürlich fermentierte Nüsse” (Naturally Fermented Nuts) was published in October 2019 by Pala Verlag:

Creative Basic Course: Fermentation of vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Fermenting is a sustainable way to preserve fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts as well as to bring forth new flavours. The probiotics of homemade ferments balance the intestinal flora and keep us healthy. In the book you will learn important background knowledge about different fermentation methods and creative ideas for the practice at home.

The homemade ferments can be transformed again and again: fermented tomatoes turn into creamy nut cheese or bread spread; fermented wild berries transform into almond curd or a raw cake; wild herbs and flowers become fermented tea; and seed loaves dry and ripen into delicious plant-based cheese. Be surprised by this fascinating art of fermentation!

The book “Fermentier´ doch mal!” (Go for Fermenting!) was published in March 2024 by Verlag Eugen Ulmer:

A cosmovision of a natural life.

Why do so many different views on proper nutrition exist? Why are there temporary fashions about food? And, why do people even argue about their diets? Isn’t it a waste of energy, or even generating negative energy that could be used in a better way?

These and other questions have been on my mind for the last few years, and I have pursued them. I have studied, researched and tested on myself how I react physically, emotionally and mentally to certain foods and other products. In addition to positive effects on my body and health, a natural diet also resulted in drastic changes to my lifestyle. It was and still is a long way to find all the answers, as holistic health depends as well on our mind and consciousness. I am happy to share my findings so far in this book to open up possibilities for a natural way of eating as well as holistic health maintenance that are simple, cheap, beneficial and cleansing – and last but not least with good taste!

My current book project “Magischer Naturvorrat” (The Magic Natural Pantry) is not yet published and available as a PDF file upon request.

If you are a publisher and interested in an English version of one of my books, please feel free to contact me:

Writing means to deal with myself. It's good for me, good for my heart and my soul. Yes, the soul. That is probably the main reason for writing: the connection with the higher self, the channeling of knowledge and wisdom. Yes, writing is the contact with the universe. –sh 10.11.2012